


A.C.T.S. is a mission created to spread the word and love of our God onto others and ignite their hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit.  This mission was inspired by the cursillo movement which stems back to times around WWI and WWII.  It was in 1987 that three men, Ed Courtney, Joe Hayes, and Marty Sablik discussed their experience with the cursillo movement and decided that various aspects of those retreats needed to be altered to meet the current needs of the church and the people.  Inspired by the book of the Acts of the Apostles, they decided to call this mission ACTS.  Through the strength and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they broke it down as acronym to incorporate Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service.  These were, after all, the topics they felt was most important in building and sharing this new mission.

Within the first 10 years, A.C.T.S. retreats had spread from parish to parish and it was in that year that this mission was declared a non-profit organization with the hopes that they could continue to spread these retreats all over to help promote the love of God and work of the Holy Spirit.  The movement has been called the most important movement for the Catholic Church today.  It has continue to spread and is now done in 22 states in the U.S., 8 states in Mexico, Canada, Honduras, South Africa and England.

A.C.T.S. made its way to San Martin de Porres church in 2004 when Msgr. Alex Salazar brought it to the parish.  San Martin de Porres currently holds A.C.T.S. retreats for men, women, and teens throughout the year.  The A.C.T.S. community within our parish has continued to grow by the hundreds and by witness to the many personal changes and testimonials given, it has continued to touch the lives of many.  Many have shared that the retreat is credited in having saved their lives, marriages, families, jobs and their faith.  Families and religious leaders from all around have seen amazing transformations in those who have lived their A.C.T.S. and it has served to continue to bring many more people closer to knowing and loving their faith.

Please note this form is for those who have ALREADY lived their A.C.T.S. Retreat. This is not an application form. Applications for any upcoming retreats may be found below this form in the download section.

Acts Application

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For more information about A.C.T.S. Retreats please call our Parish office at 956-723-5215 or visit www.actsmissions.org

Men’s A.C.T.S. Retreat April 23-26, 2020. Applications are available for download. Please print, fill out, and turn in to the parish office.

A.C.T.S. Downloads

Men's A.C.T.S. Application