

The parishioners of San Martin de Porres Church are indeed fortunate to count on dedicated and devoted members with a desire to assist the parish through service as a Lector.

Being a Lector is a responsibility not to be taken lightly.  Remember that the readings are a critical part of the Mass.  Without you, the Mass is incomplete.

Thank you for sharing your time and talent with your fellow parishioners.


  • Information for the readings is prepared by the Minister of Lectors and e-mailed the week before the assigned Mass.
  • Information used to prepare the schedule is taken from your Lector Registration Form. The response to the preferred Mass is taken into consideration when assignments are made.
  • On occasion, it is necessary to contact Lectors by phone, fax, or e-mail. Therefore, these means of communication must be current.
  • A Roster of Lectors is provided to first time Lectors and revised periodically. This Roster should be used when arranging for a substitute.
  • Lectors should prepare for their assigned Mass by reviewing the information provided. Begin your preparation to serve at least two days before to become familiar with the readings and unusual pronunciations.


  • The Lector should arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass.
  • The Welcome and Mass intentions should be read five minutes before the start of Mass.
  • The Lectionary will have been placed upon the ambo (podium) by the Sacristan before Mass. The Lector should check the Lectionary before Mass to locate the readings.

When the Lector enters the sanctuary (altar area) to proclaim the Readings, and before stepping down from the sanctuary after the readings, the proper gesture before the tabernacle and the ambo during this time is to make a reverent bow.

After proclaiming the First Reading, there should be a brief moment of silence.
Begin the Responsorial Psalm – do not announce “The Responsorial Psalm is …”

After proclaiming the Second Reading, there should be a brief moment of silence.
Ask that everyone “Please Rise.”

The Alleluia verse before the Gospel should always be sung. If it is not sung, it should not be recited. In that case return to your seat after the second reading.

  • Read the Gospel Acclamation. Sing the Alleluia.
  • Place the Lectionary on the shelf in the podium and return to your seat for the reading of the Gospel.
  • Return to your seat.